Citrulline: This Essential Amino Acid


Citrulline is a naturally occurring amino acid that has gained popularity for its numerous health benefits, particularly in the realm of athletic performance and cardiovascular health. This comprehensive guide will delve into what citrulline is, its types, health benefits, how it works in the body, recommended dosages, potential side effects, and more. By the end of this article, you’ll have a thorough understanding of why citrulline is an important supplement for many people.

What is Citrulline?

Chemical Composition

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid, meaning the body can produce it on its own. Its chemical formula is C6H13N3O3. Unlike other amino acids, citrulline does not directly build proteins but plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes.

Natural Sources

Citrulline can be found in several natural sources, with watermelon being the most well-known. Other sources include cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and certain squashes. These fruits and vegetables provide a natural way to boost your citrulline intake.

Types of Citrulline


L-Citrulline is the pure form of citrulline. It is commonly used in supplements to enhance athletic performance and support cardiovascular health. L-Citrulline is known for its ability to increase arginine levels in the blood, which in turn boosts nitric oxide production.

Citrulline Malate

Citrulline Malate is a compound consisting of citrulline and malic acid. It is often used to improve athletic performance and reduce muscle fatigue. The addition of malic acid is believed to help with energy production in the muscles.

Health Benefits of Citrulline

Enhancing Athletic Performance

Citrulline is well-regarded for its ability to improve exercise performance. It helps increase blood flow to muscles, reducing fatigue and improving endurance. Many athletes use citrulline supplements to enhance their training and performance.

Supporting Heart Health

Citrulline supports cardiovascular health by boosting nitric oxide production, which helps relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. This can lead to lower blood pressure and reduced risk of heart-related issues.

Boosting Immune Function

Citrulline also plays a role in supporting the immune system. It helps in the production of nitric oxide, which has antimicrobial properties and can enhance the body’s ability to fight off infections.

How Citrulline Works in the Body

Conversion to Arginine

Once ingested, citrulline is converted into another amino acid called arginine in the kidneys. Arginine then gets converted into nitric oxide, which is crucial for vascular health and overall blood flow.

Role in Nitric Oxide Production

Nitric oxide is a molecule that helps dilate blood vessels, improving circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues. This process is vital for maintaining cardiovascular health and enhancing physical performance.

Dosage and Supplementation

Recommended Dosages

The recommended dosage of citrulline can vary depending on the intended use. For general health benefits, a daily dose of 3-6 grams of L-citrulline is common. For athletic performance, higher doses of 6-8 grams of citrulline malate are often recommended.

Best Time to Take Citrulline

Citrullin-e supplements can be taken at any time of the day, but taking them about 30 minutes before exercise is often recommended to maximize performance benefits.

Potential Side Effects

Common Side Effects

Citrullin-e is generally well-tolerated, but some people may experience mild side effects such as stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or nausea, especially at higher doses.

Who Should Avoid Citrulline

People with certain medical conditions or those taking medications that affect blood pressure should consult with a healthcare provider before taking citrullin-e supplements. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also seek medical advice.

Citrullin-e in Sports and Exercise

Impact on Endurance

Citrullin-e has been shown to enhance endurance by increasing blood flow to muscles, which helps reduce fatigue and improve overall performance during prolonged physical activities.

Effect on Muscle Soreness

Citrullin-e may help reduce muscle soreness post-exercise. By improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles, it aids in the recovery process, allowing athletes to train more effectively.

Comparing Citrulline to Other Supplements

Citrullin-e vs. Arginine

While both citrullin-e and arginine are used to boost nitric oxide levels, citrullin-e is often considered more effective. Citrullin-e is better absorbed by the body and has a longer-lasting effect on nitric oxide production.

Citrulline vs. Creatine

Citrullin-e and creatine serve different purposes. Citrullin-e primarily enhances blood flow and endurance, while creatine is used to increase muscle strength and power. Many athletes use both supplements to achieve comprehensive performance benefits.

Choosing the Right Citrulline Supplement

Factors to Consider

When choosing a citrullin-e supplement, consider the form (L-citrullin-e vs. citrullin-e malate), dosage, purity, and any additional ingredients. Look for reputable brands that provide transparent labeling and third-party testing.

Popular Brands

Some popular citrullin–e supplement brands include BulkSupplements, NOW Foods, and Doctor’s Best. These brands are known for their high-quality products and positive customer reviews.


Citrullin-e is a powerful amino acid with a range of health benefits, from enhancing athletic performance to supporting cardiovascular health. Understanding its types, how it works, and how to properly supplement it can help you make the most of this essential nutrient. Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve your performance or someone interested in boosting your overall health, citrullin-e is worth considering.


Is citrullin-e safe for long-term use?

Yes, citrullin-e is generally considered safe for long-term use when taken at recommended dosages. However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Can citrullin-e help with erectile dysfunction?

Citrullin-e may help improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction by increasing nitric oxide production, which enhances blood flow. Some studies have shown positive effects, but more research is needed.

What foods are high in citrulline?

Watermelon is the most well-known food source of citrullin-e. Other sources include cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, and certain squashes.

How quickly does citrulline take effect?

Citrullin-e can start to take effect within 30 minutes to a few hours after ingestion, depending on the individual and the dosage.

Can citrulline be taken with other supplements?

Yes, citrullin-e can be taken with other supplements such as creatine, beta-alanine, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Combining supplements can provide synergistic benefits for athletic performance and overall health.

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