Home Away From Home


Ever felt that pang of homesickness the moment you step into an unfamiliar place? Creating a “home away from home” can make a world of difference in how comfortable and enjoyable your travels are. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you can relax and feel at ease, even when you’re miles away from your actual home. In this guide, we’ll explore how you can achieve this comforting feeling, ensuring your travels are as pleasant as possible.

Finding Your Ideal Accommodation

Research and Reviews

The first step to feeling at home away from home is finding the right place to stay. Doing thorough research and reading reviews can save you from unpleasant surprises. Websites like Airbnb, Booking.com, and TripAdvisor offer detailed reviews from previous guests, giving you a realistic picture of what to expect.

Personal Preferences

Everyone has different needs and wants when it comes to accommodation. Consider what’s most important to you:


Do you prefer to be in the heart of the city or a quiet suburb? Proximity to public transport, restaurants, and attractions can significantly impact your experience.


What facilities are non-negotiable for you? Whether it’s a fully equipped kitchen, a washer and dryer, or a high-speed internet connection, make sure your chosen place meets your needs.

Safety Considerations

Safety is paramount. Look for accommodations in safe neighborhoods and check for security features like secure locks, alarms, and well-lit surroundings.

The Role of Technology

Booking Platforms

Gone are the days of blindly booking accommodations. Platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo allow you to filter options based on your preferences, read reviews, and even communicate directly with hosts.

Virtual Tours

Many booking sites now offer virtual tours. This technology allows you to explore the space beforehand, ensuring it meets your expectations and feels right for you.

Smart Home Integrations

Smart home technology can add a layer of comfort and convenience. Look for places with smart locks, voice-activated assistants, and other tech that can make your stay smoother.

Creating a Cozy Environment

Decor and Ambiance

The right decor can transform any space into a cozy retreat. Soft lighting, warm colors, and comfortable furniture can make a significant difference.

Personal Touches

Bringing a few personal items can help. Photos, a favorite blanket, or even your preferred pillow can make an unfamiliar place feel more like home.

Comfortable Bedding

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. High-quality bedding can make your stay much more pleasant. Consider places that offer premium mattresses and linens.

Kitchen Essentials

Stocking Up on Basics

Having a well-stocked kitchen can make you feel at home. Essentials like salt, pepper, cooking oil, and some basic spices can go a long way.

Cooking Your Favorite Meals

Cooking can be a comforting activity. Find a place with a decent kitchen setup and cook your favorite meals to maintain a sense of normalcy.

Finding Local Groceries

Exploring local markets and grocery stores can be a fun adventure. It’s also a great way to get to know the local culture and cuisine.

Staying Connected

Wi-Fi and Communication Tools

A reliable internet connection is crucial. Ensure your accommodation has good Wi-Fi so you can stay connected with family and friends, and keep up with work if needed.

Entertainment Options

Having access to entertainment options like streaming services, books, or board games can help you unwind after a day of exploring.

Social Connections

Don’t isolate yourself. Use social media or apps like Meetup to find local events and connect with people.

Balancing Work and Leisure

Setting Up a Home Office

If you’re working while traveling, a designated workspace is essential. Look for accommodations with a desk, a comfortable chair, and good lighting.

Time Management

Balancing work and play can be tricky. Set clear boundaries and schedules to ensure you enjoy your stay while staying productive.

Leisure Activities

Don’t forget to relax and have fun. Explore local attractions, take up a new hobby, or simply enjoy some downtime.

Engaging with the Local Community

Exploring Neighborhoods

Wander around and explore. Discovering local cafes, parks, and shops can make you feel more connected to your temporary home.

Local Events and Activities

Participate in local events and activities. It’s a great way to meet people and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Building Relationships

Building relationships with neighbors or locals can enhance your experience. Don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation or join local groups.

Health and Wellness

Exercise Routines

Keep up with your exercise routine. Whether it’s a local gym, a park for jogging, or online workout classes, staying active is key.

Healthy Eating

Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging when traveling. Opt for accommodations with a kitchen, and prepare healthy meals to stay on track.

Mental Health

Traveling can be stressful. Practice mindfulness, keep a journal, or talk to a therapist if needed to maintain your mental well-being.

Pet-Friendly Options

Traveling with Pets

If you’re traveling with pets, find pet-friendly accommodations. Ensure the place is safe and comfortable for your furry friend.

Pet Amenities

Look for places that offer pet amenities like a yard, pet beds, or food bowls. It can make a big difference in your pet’s comfort.

Local Pet Services

Know where the nearest vet, pet store, and dog park are. It’s essential for your pet’s well-being.

Maintaining Routine

Daily Schedules

Try to stick to your usual daily schedule. It can help you adjust and feel more at home.

Household Chores

Keeping up with chores like laundry and cleaning can make your stay more comfortable and organized.

Personal Hobbies

Engage in your hobbies. Whether it’s reading, painting, or playing an instrument, doing what you love can make you feel more at home.

Travel Tips

Packing Essentials

Pack wisely. Bring items that will make your stay more comfortable, but don’t overpack. Think about the climate and activities you’ll be doing.

Travel Insurance

Always have travel insurance. It can save you from a lot of hassle and unexpected expenses.

Cultural Awareness

Respect the local culture. Learn a few phrases in the local language, understand the customs, and be polite.

Sustainable Travel

Eco-Friendly Accommodations

Choose eco-friendly accommodations. Look for places that use renewable energy, recycle, and promote sustainability.

Reducing Waste

Be mindful of your waste. Use reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Avoid single-use plastics as much as possible.

Supporting Local Businesses

Support local

businesses. Eating at local restaurants, shopping at local markets, and using local services can contribute positively to the community and provide a more authentic experience.

Handling Emergencies

First Aid Kits

Always travel with a basic first aid kit. It should include bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any personal medications.

Local Emergency Contacts

Know the local emergency numbers and have the contact information of your country’s embassy or consulate.

Travel Insurance Details

Keep your travel insurance details handy. In case of an emergency, you’ll need quick access to your policy information.


Feeling at home when you’re away from home is about creating an environment that brings you comfort, familiarity, and ease. From choosing the right accommodation to engaging with the local community, every step you take towards making your temporary place feel like home contributes to a more enjoyable and stress-free experience. Remember, it’s the little things that count. Personal touches, a well-stocked kitchen, and maintaining routines can make a significant difference. So, next time you travel, bring a bit of home with you and transform your journey into a more pleasant adventure.


What are the best ways to find a home away from home?

The best ways to find a home away from home include researching and reading reviews on trusted platforms, considering personal preferences like location and amenities, and ensuring safety features are in place.

How can I make a temporary place feel more like home?

Bringing personal items, setting up a comfortable space, cooking your favorite meals, and maintaining your usual routines can make a temporary place feel more like home.

What should I consider when traveling with pets?

When traveling with pets, look for pet-friendly accommodations, check for pet amenities, and know where the nearest vet and pet services are located.

How do I stay healthy while traveling?

Stay healthy while traveling by keeping up with your exercise routine, eating healthy meals, and taking care of your mental health through mindfulness and relaxation.

What are some eco-friendly travel tips?

Eco-friendly travel tips include choosing sustainable accommodations, reducing waste by using reusable items, and supporting local businesses to minimize your environmental impact.

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